Mel Brodt (1970)
About Mel Brodt
Coached track at Cleveland John Adams High school from 1951 through 1960 and cross country from 1951 through 1959. Coached track at Bowling Green State University from 1961 through 1981. Coached cross country at Bowling Green from 1960 through 1984. Won one Mid American Conference track and one MAC cross country title. Won two State High School track meets and two State High School cross country meets. Won one NCAA district cross country title. Second in the NCAA Indoor Track Meet. Won four All-Ohio cross country titles. Won three high school district track meets and three district cross country meets. Coached nine individual State High School Track Meet winners and two State High School Cross Country Meet winners. Coached seven NCAA individual winners. OATC president. NCAA Track and Cross Country Coaches president. Ed Barker Award. Meet manager.