Marvin "Marv" Crosten (1973)
About Marvin "Marv" Crosten
Coached boys track at Upper Arlington from 1965 through 1974 and boys cross country from 1964 through 1973. Won eight district titles in each sport. Won seven track and six cross country league meets. Was runnerup in two State Cross Country Meets and one State Track Meet. Coached seven individual State Track Meet winners. Coached girls track at Upper Arlington from 1979 through 1985 and girls cross country from 1978 through 1984. Won four State Cross Country Meets and one State Track Meet. Won all four league and all seven district/regional cross country meets. Won all seven conference anf four district/regional track meets. Was runnerup in one State Cross Country Meet and twice in the State Track Meet. Coached ten individual State Track Meet winners and one individual State Cross Country Meet winner. Official. Meet Manager. Ed Barker Award. OATC president. 1981 Girls Cross Country Coach of the Year and 1985 Girls Track Coach of the Year. Ohio coach of the Midwest meet of Champions in 1974. Was a successful runner at Bowling Green State University and Akron North High School.