Cynthia Anzalone Fox (2010)
About Cynthia Anzalone Fox
Mrs. Anzalone -Fox, an outstanding distance runner, was coached by Jim Zickes. While in high school, she went to State in 3 events. Her cross country time for the 2 ½ mile was 14:48. In the 800 M, Cynthia finished first at State in 2:15 and in the 1600 M. she was District and Regional Champ finishing in 5:06.3. In the 1980 East Coast Classic Mrs. Anzalone-Fox was named the most outstanding athlete when she won first place in both the 880 yd. and in the mile, running 4:59.3. Cynthia attended the University of Houston. She posted a 2:05.1 in the 800 M, a 4:19 in the 1500 M., a 9:11.4 in the 3,000 M., and a 16.20.3 in the 5,000 M. She was named NCAA All American in Indoor track in the 1,000 yd. run. She is also a member of the University of Houston Track and Field Hall of Fame. In 1988, Cynthia was named the U.S. representative in the “Friendship Race 10K” in Volgograd USSR.